Medical Missionaries February 2022
February brought unpredictable weather as predicted on Groundhog Day, a month-long celebration of Black History Month and much love from our community in the spirit of Valentine’s Day.
February brought unpredictable weather as predicted on Groundhog Day, a month-long celebration of Black History Month and much love from our community in the spirit of Valentine’s Day.
Medical Missionaries announces a partnership program to help fund Medical Missionaries and highlight the amazing partners that support our work.
It was very dark when a small team of volunteers (2 doctors and 6 nurses) started on the trail to assess health care in the mountains around Banica, Dominican Republic and the border of Haiti in 1997.
2022 kicks off our 25th year as Medical Missionaries. Read about what Medical Missionaries has been up during January in our monthly newsletter.
Two of our recent Global Health Fellows are part of a team that recently published a paper on addressing Malnutrition and Food Insecurity with Breadfruit in Haiti. Medical Missionaries was integral in this successful program.
Read a message from the President of Medical Missionaries, learn about Pat and Jerry Skeens, and read about what Medical Missionaries has been up to.
Check out the amazingly talented performances from Medical Missionaries Virtual Holiday party!
This Thanksgiving we take time to reflect on gratitude. We are grateful for the help of our steadfast generous volunteers and the donations that allow us to accomplish our mission. Read more about it, in this month’s newsletter.
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Thank you for your support as we help the poorest of the poor.