Friday, our departure day from Banica and the up-country. We are traveling back to Santo Domingo via the almost 6 hour bus ride for our flights home tomorrow. The team is ready to wind down and enjoy a restful day.
After a hot shower, sightseeing and some rest, the team met for dinner and team goodbyes at Jalao Restaurant, a restaurant known for Dominican food. Had an amazing dinner and celebrated George Bazaco’s 80th birthday!! Happy Birthday George!

2023 Medical Mission: Banica Day 1
On Friday, January, 27th the team met at Dulles, VA airport and began their Medical Mission trip to the Dominican Republic.

2023 Medical Mission: Banica Day 2
Banica day 2 included inventorying bags that were brought over from the US, going on our first clinic, attending church and sharing fellowship.

2023 Medical Mission: Banica Day 3
The team split on Sunday, day 3. The team held a clinic in Pedro Santana and El Morro. They also had made time to visit Cerro de San Francisco

2023 Medical Mission: Banica Day 4
For day 4 the team took a long ride to Bartolo, and then split to run two clinic sites. Read about their continuing work and adventures.

2023 Medical Mission: Banica Day 5
The team treated over 100 patients today. As always, it is not just work, but time to experience local culture. Read about our day to find out more.

2023 Medical Mission: Banica Day 6
Day 6 saw the team back in Banica, and holding a clinic in Los Cacaos. They saw over 110 patients and exhausted all the medicines they took to the DR, with one more clinic to go. Check out their day.