2023 Medical Mission: Banica Day 5

Our truck and driver actually made it back from last night’s drive alive and reported our doctor seemed to be doing ok!!  But……we had one flat and one tire with a slow leak.  So, after a tire change and a tire pump up and we were off (hopefully).

Today is more of a continuation of yesterday’s clinic schedule.  Since we overnighted in the interior (e.g., Bartolo) we remained in the interior.  Our one team headed back to Sierrecita where they were yesterday while the other half drove to a town named Rincon where, of course, the tire went flat again!

Patient count at Rincon was 65 and at Sara Seta it was 45, for a total today of 110, bringing the total patient count to 472 so far for the week.  

After two days out in the mountains of the Dominican “outback” we are bruised and battered from bouncing around in the back of the trucks (usually standing because it’s easier). However, it is worth it, as the clinics in three poor mountain towns were a success.

While waiting for our truck, we got a lesson and demonstration on cock fighting from the local champion, who graciously answered all our questions. Other farm animals surrounded us throughout the trip.

Now it’s back to Banica and El Centro; cold showers vs no showers.

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Medical Missionaries July 2024

This month we have updates on medication arriving in Haiti, supplies in the Ukraine, Happy Hour with Prince William Senior Resource Group, Knight news and crochet rugs! Read the updates.

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