Medical Missionaries Nov 2020

It has been a busy month at the Medical Missionaries office. People stop by daily with donations of clothing, medical supplies and equipment, food, household items, and hygiene products. We are especially low on toothbrushes and toothpaste at this time. Everyone has been so generous, which is very appreciated particularly in the time of the pandemic. Donors often tell us how much their loved ones would appreciate their items like a wheelchair going to someone in need. We are grateful for everyone’s efforts to help each other. As someone wisely said recently: “This is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have.“ Medical Missionaries certainly appreciates everything that you bring to our projects and work.


Caring Hearts Auction

Our online auction ended on November 2 and was a great success! We thank all of you who peeked in at the auction, put in bids and won the wonderful items! Our supporters reported that they had fun watching the bids especially knowing that Medical Missionaries would be on the receiving end of the project. We raised almost $4,000 for the many projects that Medical Missionaries supports. Again, we thank you so much for your participation and support and we look forward to posting our next auction in Spring 2021!



Our long time friends, Bud and Alice, came to Manassas this month to pick up another truckload of clothing and household items. These will be distributed to the people who live in the hamlet villages of the Elkins area. We already have accumulated another roomful of goods to go this month, which includes bags of hygiene items that can be used for holiday gifts or to supplement households with these needed comfort items. We are thankful for the donors who bring clothing and other items to be sent back with Bud and Alice. We are particularly thankful to the team at ECHO who collects for this project.


Toy and Food Drive

We kicked off our annual Holiday Food and Toy Drive which will benefit 400-500 families in Southwest Virginia, West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky through the Rocklick Pantry Project. Our friends from the Grundy area in Southwest Virginia have already accepted two truckloads of food and toys that have been gathered at our office. The next truckload is scheduled for the second week of December. We continue to accept donations of food and toys so that the folks there will enjoy a truly festive and joyous holiday this year. Donations have been coming in through AmazonSmile deliveries as well as drop offs at our office. We are truly thankful for all the love and support our donors continue to show to the people of Grundy and the Rocklick Pantry.


Centreville girls help to gather toys for Toy Drive

A very enthusiastic group of third grade girls and their families from Centreville, VA ran a toy drive for the Grundy area. They held several events that included a guest speaker from Medical Missionaries and drop off days in which donuts were offered and toys were sorted. We salute their dedication and commitment. The girls told us that they enjoyed learning about the work of Medical Missionaries around the world and that they were so excited to help brighten the holidays for other children. Their efforts resulted in collecting over 300 toys and 180 books.


Positioning supplies for Jamaica

Reverend Russell from a Mission Church in Kingsport, Jamaica has been very appreciative of the supplies and equipment that have been collected for their mission. They are getting ready to load another container and appreciate the donations from Medical Missionaries to supplement their work. They have asked for wheelchairs, commodes, walkers, adult diapers, and summer clothing to help the people in their country. They asked to thank all our donors who stop by to drop off needed items.


St. Joseph Clinic Staff

Thankfully Haiti has been spared the worst of the pandemic so far. That has allowed the Clinic to move ahead with their routine care and also keep up on projects like painting parts of the building. Everyone is working hard on getting supplies and medicines to the Clinic patients. The staff at the Clinic appreciates the weekly calls with the U.S. team to discuss programs, problems solving and maintenance. In spite of the fire in February, the Clinic continues to support the community with their services. Sadly the U.S. team scheduled to travel to Haiti to make repairs to the Clinic and deliver supplies this month has been postponed due to the pandemic and challenges with logistics. The support and communication continues to be strong, even across the miles.

Support Medical Missionaries mission of helping the poorest of the poor.

You can help Medical Missionaries by donating money, donating supplies or volunteeringMany hands make light work. We thank you for your support!

Traveling Colonels – Updates

Colonel Monte Donard and his team of Traveling Colonels have been partneried with Medical Missionaries since 2023.  In this page we will share updates as we get them. 

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Medical Missionaries October Newsletter

After a one month hiatus, our monthly newsletter is back. We the Friends of Medical Missionaries Fall Festival, sent supplies to North Carolina and to Western Virginia — and that is just the beginning. Click to find out more.

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