Medical Missionaries Jul 2021

We hope you are enjoying the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer! No matter if you are north or south, east or west, the talk is all about the weather: it’s hot! We share concerns with people in all parts of the world, from the wildfires out West to the flooding back East to natural disasters elsewhere. We hope you, our faithful readers and supporters, are staying safe, given the uptick of Covid infections here and abroad. In spite of it all, we continue our work and are happy to share some of our news with all of you. Read on!

From the Fundraising Committee – Save the Dates 

Caring Hearts Auction 2021
Caring Hearts Auction 2021

October 8-24, 2021: Our Caring Hearts Online Auction has set its launch date for October 8-24!  For the 2021 season we will host this auction from Friday, October 8th and close it on Sunday, October 24th while celebrating at Doukenie Winery! Guests will have a last minute opportunity to outbid friends or family on a fantastic array of items on the 24th. We will once again use the auction site at Charity Auctions Today.

We are still accepting donations for the auction. Gift cards to national brands are preferred.

An Afternoon at Doukenie Winery
An Afternoon at Doukenie Winery

October 24, 2021: Medical Missionaries will host an afternoon soiree at Doukenie Winery in Hillsboro, Virginia. We are so excited to get together with everyone in person for some delicious wine and appetizers, desserts, and great music. Look for more information in our next Newsletter and Facebook updates

Supplies and Equipment On the Move

Outgoing Supplies and Equipment

Destination: Appalachia, Southwest Virginia

  • The monthly truckload of 4,000 pounds of food was driven by John Dominicis in July to the Rocklick Food Pantry in the Grundy areas of Appalachia.

Destination: Northern Virginia

  • A local family picked up a hospital bed, shower chair and wheelchair to assist for a family member so that he can be cared for at home.

Destination: Jamaica

  • Reverend Russell has been coming to the Manassas office to pick up truck loads of supplies and equipment for his next container to support 15 church groups in and around Kingston, Jamaica.

Incoming Supplies and Equipment

NEEDED: Food and Hygiene Items: Our pantry continues to need food items to support the Rocklick Pantry program in Grundy, Appalachia. We are also in need of hygiene items such as soap, washcloths, toothbrushes and toothpaste.  Check our webpage for latest needed items.

Food Pantry Donations Needed
Food Pantry Donations Needed

Any items you can donate are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at the Manassas office or can be purchased online through our Amazon Smile list. If you do send items to the office, please give the office a heads up so they can be on the lookout for the packages. The office can be reached at 703-335-1800. Thank you!

St. Joseph Clinic, Haiti Update 

We have been receiving encouraging news from Haiti that life in Thomassique, where St. Joseph Clinic is located, has been quiet, both with the political situation (earlier this month President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated) and Covid. The Clinic has two guards to protect the Clinic day and night. Haiti now has the Moderna vaccine and is giving one shot, with thousands having received the vaccine so far. Henche, a town close to the Clinic has 2,000 doses of the vaccine and is prioritizing those over 50 with comorbidities and then medical personnel.

Midwives working in St Joseph Clinic
Midwives working in St Joseph Clinic

During our weekly Wednesday meetings between the US and Clinic teams, it was reported that the Midwives for Haiti program has been sending their students to St. Joseph Clinic for training. To date about 20 students have been assigned to the Clinic, where they stay for the four-month program. This program benefits the students and the Midwives who get to train the students and have extra pairs of hands for assistance. Its a win-win for all!

New Volunteers Virtual Meeting!

Did you know that people who volunteer are happier, healthier, and more attractive? Research by Dr. Arthur Brooks shows these benefits and many others. 

Medical Missionaries Volunteer Meeting
Medical Missionaries Volunteer Meeting

      If you want to volunteer with Medical Missionaries, we will be having a virtual meeting for all new volunteers on Tuesday, August 17 at 7pm EST. This will be an opportunity to learn more about the organization and how you and your skills can contribute to our mission. Medical Missionaries is made up entirely of volunteers and has been so for 24 years. It is a fun and rewarding place to volunteer and you can instantly see the impact of the work. If you are interested in volunteering, please join us on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 874 9162 8961
Passcode: 257541

You can also checkout our website for opportunities. 

Not sure what you want to do? No problem, we can work together to find your place. Please contact Christine for more information:

Load the Truck and Container Sign Up 

We are looking for volunteers to help load trucks and containers of medical supplies and equipment. It usually takes about 3 hours to load a container and requires some lifting of boxes and equipment.

We will also use the SigUp Genius for volunteers to help load trucks at the office. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. If you would like to volunteer and receive the SignUp Genius link, email

Support Medical Missionaries mission of helping the poorest of the poor.

You can help Medical Missionaries by donating money, donating supplies or volunteeringMany hands make light work. We thank you for your support!

Traveling Colonels – Updates

Colonel Monte Donard and his team of Traveling Colonels have been partneried with Medical Missionaries since 2023.  In this page we will share updates as we get them. 

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Medical Missionaries October Newsletter

After a one month hiatus, our monthly newsletter is back. We the Friends of Medical Missionaries Fall Festival, sent supplies to North Carolina and to Western Virginia — and that is just the beginning. Click to find out more.

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