St. Joseph Clinic Fire

    On April 4th, 2020 we had a fire on the roof of St. Joseph Clinic in Haiti. The fire destroyed solar panels, batteries and other equipment in the roof structure where it was held. Luckily, no one was injured. The fire damaged over $200k of equipment.

    Solar panels and batteries have been used to power the Clinic for years. The Haitian national grid only arrived and connected the Clinic in the last few months. Even so, the national grid only provides power a few random hours a day. The Clinic requires consistent electrical power in order to provide medical care. The solar panels and batteries bridged the gap. Until there is a permanent solution, the Clinic is using a diesel generator to provide emergency power when needed.

    Medical Missionaries is working with NGOs, engineers and suppliers to design and implement a new system. We need your financial help to build and deploy this system.

    Please donate online, or send a check to help us rebuild reliable electrical power to St. Joseph Clinic so that we can continue to provide essential medical care.

   Medical Missionaries is a 100% volunteer organization.  

St Joseph Clinic roof structure fire.
St. Joseph Clinic battery and solar panel fire.

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Traveling Colonels – Updates

Colonel Monte Donard and his team of Traveling Colonels have been partneried with Medical Missionaries since 2023.  In this page we will share updates as we get them. 

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